Our strategic approach that delivers maximum value
Marketing Intelligence
The first step to build a strong business is to deeply understand market landscape and find where opportunities lie. However, ASPIRE’s marketing intelligence service is remotely different from a data-packed “research report”.
While companies may appear to have similar business challenges, solutions are very unique to each project. We begin with digging deep into understanding the truly critical issues and sharing the business goals, needs, and values with the client. We then apply our strong analytical skills to extract a meaningful insight that brings maximum values to the client. ASPIRE also assists clients in defining and refining key strategic elements such as target, pricing, channels, and translate them into a plan with concrete objectives, tactics, and metrics.

Some examples of our clients’ challenges:
- We are interested in entering the new market (or launch a new product).
- What is the attractiveness of the market?
- We aren’t growing as fast as we’d like
- We need to do more with less
- We are losing share to new competitors
- We need to deliver a more consistent customer experience
- We don’t know who our best customers are
- We don’t’ know who we should partner up with
- We are planning to enter a new market, but is it the right choice? How should we go about it?
- We need to organize more effectively for brand building
- We need to somehow revamp our products for the overseas market to fit into the market better.
- Senior management doesn’t believe in brand building
- We are doing fairly well, but can we do better than “fair”?
- We need more than a standard text book approach, something creative.
- We need to improve the socially responsible corporate image
- Brand performance
It is not only about creating a cool product, it is about the strategy and overall direction. It is also about portraying an image that accurately reflects the organization’s personality and provides the client with a competitive advantage in today’s marketplace.
Based on the client’s needs, domestic and overseas specialists are assigned as a project team to enable the business to excel.
Regarding the logos, names and other visuals created during the development process, we thoroughly examine local tastes and incorporate these findings in order to transform the subsequent image into one that resonates with the target market.
To reconcile the notions of maintaining strong brand beliefs and the extinction of reformation, we monitor brand “transmission,” revisit the portfolio and expansion, and establish stable means of tracking and enabling consumer loyalty.
Brand Strategy Development
There are several ways of interpreting brands and oftentimes these are abstract in nature. However, when most people hear a brand name, they automatically tend to imbue the associated products with concrete meanings attained from very personal worldview. In other words, the “hard” product, packaging, data, promotions, salespeople and the like are interpreted through the senses (i.e. sight, hearing) and then integrated into a cohesive soft image.
The intellectual asset behind a brand is as important to a business as its physical asset. Nevertheless, the two cannot be considered a singular unit as the role of management is to carefully utilize resources and add value to the organization by the astute execution of strategy. In order to establish “tangible” brands, the product concept and the marketing communications must be consistent. Hence, the story surrounding the product should paint a vivid picture depicting this relationship.
At ASPIRE Intelligence, the aim is to provide clients with excellent strategic brand management resources. Based on the selected growth basis, we help clients gain desired market share, make better investment choices, and devise global strategies that takes into account the clients individuality.
Business Plan Development
I. Basic Business Plan Package
Concise business plan between 6 to 8 pages long. It includes Executive Summary, Company Summary, Market, Industry, and Competitive Landscape, Strategy Summary, Financial Summary, and Management Team.
Ideal for INS (visa applications), SBA/bank loan applications, and start-up stage planning, etc.
II. Advanced Business Plan Package
Detailed business plan between 15 to 25 pages long. It explores all points in Basic Business Plan in more detail, as well as description of products and services, value proposition, and market analysis.
Ideal for private/angel investor seeking, initial to growth stage transitional planning, etc.
III. Superior Business Plan Package
Highly customized, investor-ready business plan between 50 to 80 pages long.
It includes compelling research and analysis data, several financial simulations, as well as risk management issues and exit strategy. This package is to be combined with ASPIRE’s consulting service for minimum 3 months.Ideal for attracting a broad range of sophisticated investors or institutional lenders, seeking 2 nd round (and after) financing.
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